Photographer born in São Paulo. 's Degree in Visual Communication (2010) and graduate studies in Photography (2014).
Is dedicated to the study and practice of photography since 2008, with its focus on building handcrafted photographic apparatuses that seek to rework the photographic processes and ancient language.
Search (des)construct the image to rediscover a more present relation of the author with the process and acquisition time of photography.
Participating since 2009 in many collective exhibitions and have some photos published in brazilian magazines.
Have their photos published in several Brazilian magazines and is currently contributor to the digital magazine Old, where monthly writes about experimental and poetic photography.
- 30 dias em 30 A4 (30 days in 30 A4), 2015 in the Espaço opHicina (SP). Group exhibition.
- Photo Extended#2 (Foto Extendida #2), 2015 in the Espaço opHicina (SP). Group exhibition.
- Honorable Mention at the International Art Festival (New York, USA), 2014. With the work I dreamed I remember how things were, (Sonhei que me lembrava como eram as coisas)2013.
- Confluência – Encontro de Olhares (confluence - meeting of looks), 2014 in Petrolina, Brazil. Selected for the night projection with the serie I dreamed I remember how things were, (Sonhei que me lembrava como eram as coisas)2013.
-Festival de Fotografia do Sertão (Photography Festival of the Desert), 2014 in Feira de Santana, Brazil in Amelio Amorim Cultural Center with the serie I dreamed I remember how things were, (Sonhei que me lembrava como eram as coisas)2013.
"A Expessura da Travessia" (The Thickness of the Crossing) in Gallery Footpaths (Galeria Veredas) in São Paulo, Brazil in 2012, with the serie Fission of Me, (Fissão do Eu) 2013.
“LetsLOMO” at the Collective Gallery at São Paulo, Brazil in 2009.