I dreamed that I remembered what it was like, 2013
This work intends to poetically propose images that dialogue with the imaginary through the dissociation of representation in memory, using as character the writer Jorge Luis Borges in his state of blindness. The photographs make an allusion to the traces of images already seen and that now only exist in memory, fact caused by blindness which affected the character after the 50 years and that changes the relationship with the images considering the distance between of vision to the index.
To create the images I used an device constructed by me (also used in the "Fluxo Cambiante" |changing flux| series), which lead to an semantic analogy with the process of image creation in the field of memory, with the imagery concerning the visually impaired.
The equipment built can only work from existing photographs, working in a kind of vicious cycle. He offers to these images an offshoot of themselves, each image takes on a body and the film reveals a new image still unknown.
The semantics analogy that I mention consists of the visual memory of a person who one day had seeing and who later became blind. The memory and the image building in these people work by reorganizing of the elements that is already present in your imagination, seeking in his imagistic vocabulary symbols to compose new environments.
The result of the creative process generates a deepening in the images, bringing the darkness as a reference to the concept of the appearance of the unconscious about perception according Carl Jung.
The continuity of spaces is flawed, attempt to translate the way the perception is given to visually impaired who understand the space through the other senses.The yellow color present in most of the photographs is due to the character Borges, who in the process of blindness, was the last color to remain in sight.
Overlapping images bring a dual character. By adding existing images, it gives a mess in space and theme, reflecting doubt about a specific memory or the shuffling of many. In addition, the union of images gives a new, this one has its hermetic meaning and is result of the reorganization fo the images already seeing.
In no moment the images intent to serve as a literary illustration of his life or even about his stories, just use him as tool to explore this environmentally that reorganize images, memory and photography to creating new stories.
This series and survey was realized as a monograph to the postgraduate studies in photography by Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation (FAAP), São Paulo, Brazil, which ended in early 2014.